Sites | Dating
| Analysis | Bibliography
| Links

Major sites
Twin Rivers -- currently being excavated; pigments between 350,000
and 400,000 years old
Earliest evidence of art found. BBC News report, 2 May, 2000. Full
text (external).
Barham, Larry (1999). From art and tools came human origins. British
Archaeology 42. Full
text (external).
Kapthurin Formation -- excavated in the late 1990s; pigments around
240,000 years old
Gutin, J.A. (1996). Do Kenya tools root birth of modern thought in
Africa? Science 270: 1118-1119.
S., L.C. Bishop, & J.D. Kingston (1996). Variability in traces of Middle
Pleistocene hominid behavior in the Kapthurin Formation, Baringo, Kenya.
Journal of Human Evolution 30:563-580.
McBrearty, S. (1999). Archaeology of the Kapthurin Formation. In Andrews,
P. and P. Banham, eds. Late Cenozoic Environments and Hominid Evolution:
a Tribute to Bill Bishop. London: Geological Society of London,
pp. 143-156.
McBrearty, Sally and Alison S. Brooks (2000). The revolution that wasn't:
a new interpretation of the origin of modern human behavior. Journal
of Human Evolution 39. 5: 453-563.
Blombos Cave, South Africa -- ongoing excavations; ochre, tools, and beads; dates around 75 kya
Project site
Henshilwood, Christopher, et al. (2002). Emergence of Modern Human Behavior: Middle Stone Age Engravings from South Africa. Science 295. 5558: 1278-1280, 15 February 2002. Full text (external). NSF press release with photographs.
Henshilwood, Christopher, F. d’Errico, M. Vanhaeren, K. van Niekerk, Z.
Jacobs (2004). Middle Stone Age Shell Beads from South Africa. Science 304. 5669: 404 , 16 April 2004. Full text (external). News report (Guardian).
Project site photographs
Loiyangalani River Valley, Serengeti Plain, Tanzania-- excavated in 2003, ostrich egg beads dated tentatively to 70 kya, results not yet published
Serengeti Genesis, project site
Hathaway, James (2004). East African artifacts support
evolution of symbolic thinking in Middle Stone Age. Press release,
Arizona State University, 31 March 2003. Full text (external)
Mayell, Hillary (2004). Is Bead Find Proof Modern Thought Began in Africa? National Geographic, 31 March 2004. Full text (external)
Ostrich beads indicate early symbolic thought. New Scientist 31 March 2004. Full text (external)
Direct evidence that pigments were used ritually (in a burial) in Australia around 40,000 years ago.
Thorne, Alan (1999). Australia's Oldest Human Remains: Age of the Lake
Mungo 3 Skeleton. Journal of Human Evolution 36: 591-612. News
More than 300 caves or shelters with Paleolithic paintings and/or engravings
have been discovered in multiple locations in Europe, from Andalucía in Spain to the Urals
in Russia.
Creswell Crags -- discovered in 2003, the engravings are at least 12,800 years old
BBC News coverage
Britain's 'earliest' prehistoric cave art (16 June 2003)
'Sistine Chapel of the Ice Age' (13 July 2003)
Experts put date to UK rock art (25 April 2005)
Altamira -- discovered in 1879, paintings date from 14,000 to
16,000 year ago
The cave of Altamira (1999). Photographs by Pedro A. Saura Ramos,
with essays by Matilde Muzquiz Perez-Seoane et al. New York, NY: Harry
Reviewed by Lawrence Guy Straus (1999). Journal of Anthropological
Research 55. 3 (Fall): 457 (4 pages).
Berenguer, Magin (1994). Prehistoric cave art in Northern Spain,
Asturias. Cuidad de Mexico: Frente de Afirmacion Hispanista.
Chauvet -- discovered in 1994, paintings dated
to 32,000-30,000 years ago
Chauvet -- Pont-d'Arc. French Ministry of Culture.
Clottes, Jean (2003). Return to Chauvet Cave: Excavating the Birthplace of Art: the First Full Report. London: Thames and Hudson.
Chauvet, Jean-Marie, Eliette Brunel Deschamps, and Christian Hillaire
(1996). Dawn of art. The Chauvet Cave: the oldest known paintings
in the world. New York, NY: H.N. Abrams. Abstract.
Reviewed by E.H. Gombrich (1996). New York Review of Books
43. 18 (Nov 14, 1996): 8 (4 pages).
Clottes, Jean (1996). Thematic changes in Upper Paleolithic art: a
view from the Grotte Chauvet. Antiquity 268. Selections
Clottes, Jean
(1997). An extraordinary archaeological find: a decorated Paleolithic
cave in the Ardèche region of France. Ministry of Culture, France.
text (external).
Conkey, Margaret (1999) Inside Grotte Chauvet: Encountering the First
Cave Paintings. California Wild 54. 3 (summer). Full
text (external).
Jaroff, Leon (1995). Window on the Stone Age. Time 145. 4 (Jan
30, 1995): 80 (2 pages). Full text.
Cosquer -- discovered in 1991, paintings and engravings from 27,000
and 18,500 years ago
Cosquer Cave -- official French government site, with virtual visit
Clottes, Jean, and Jean Courtin (1993). Neptune's Ice Age gallery.
Natural History 102. 4 (April): 64 (8 pages). Abstract.
Clottes, Jean, and Jean Courtin (1993). The Cave Beneath the Sea:
Paleolithic Images at Cosquer. 103 color plates. New York : H.N.
Abrams. Overview.
Cussac -- discovered in late 2000, engravings dating to more than
22,000 years ago
Cussac. French Ministry of Culture.
Cave reveals spectacular secrets. BBC News report, 4 July, 2001. Full
text (external)
Images from Cussac
from Archaeometry.org
Lascaux -- discovered in 1940, paintings and engravings from 17,000
to 18,500 years ago
Lascaux. French Ministry of Culture.
Christensen, Jesper (1996). Heaven and earth in ice age art: topography
and iconography at Lascaux. Mankind Quarterly 36. 3-4 (Spring/Summer):
247 (13 pages).
Clottes, Jean (1999). The Artists of Lascaux: The Roots of Fine Art
Run Deep into Our Past. Discovering Archaeology 6 (November-December).
text (external).
Whitehouse, David (2000). Ice Age star map discovered. BBC News, 9
August. Full
text (external).
Rappenglück, Michael (2002). Faces on the floor of La Marche cave.
Interview by BBC News. Cf. INFIS.
Creswell Crags -- the engravings were discovered in 2003 in a cave long known to contain Stone Age artifacts
Bahn, Paul, Paul Pettitt, and Sergio Ripoll (2003). "Discovery of Palaeolithic Cave Art in Britain." Antiquity 77. 296. BBC story.
Ach Valley -- figurines from 30,000 years ago
Conard, N. J. (2003). Palaeolithic ivory sculptures from southwestern Germany and the origins of figurative art. Nature, 426, 830 - 832. Nature summary. BBC story.
Bednarik, Robert G. (1995). The Coa petroglyphs: an obituary to the
stylistic dating of Palaeolithic rock-art. Antiquity 69. 266
(Dec): 877 (7 pages). Full text.
Clottes, Jean (1996). Thematic changes in Upper Paleolithic art: a
view from the Grotte Chauvet. Antiquity 268. Selections
Roberts, Richard et al. (1997). Luminescence dating of rock art and
past environments using mud-wasp nests in northern Australia. Nature
387. 6634 (June 12, 1997): 696 (4 pages). Abstract.
Roberts, Richard et al. (1998). Optical and radiocarbon dating at Jinmium
rock shelter in northern Australia. Nature 393. 6683 (May 28,
1998): 358 (5 pages). Abstract. Science
magazine research news (external).
Züchner, Christian (1998). Grotte Chauvet archaeologically dated. Communication
at the International Rock Art Congress, Vila Real, Portugal. Full
text (external).
Valladas, H., H. Cachier, P. Maurice, F. Bernaldo de Quiros, and others
(1992). Direct radiocarbon dates for prehistoric paintings at the Altamira,
El Castillo and Niaux caves. (Spain and France). Nature 357.
6373 (May 7): 68 (3 pages).
Valladas, Helene et al. (2001). Palaeolithic paintings: Evolution of
prehistoric cave art. Nature 413. 479 (2001). Abstract.
coverage (external).
Bednarik, Robert G. (1994). A taphonomy of palaeoart. Antiquity
68. 258 (March): 68 (7 pages). Full text.
Bednarik, Robert G. (1995). Concept-mediated marking in the lower palaeolithic.
Current Anthropology 36. 4 (August-Oct): 605 (30 pages). Abstract.
Mithen, Steven (1996). On Early Paleolithic 'concept-mediated marks,'
mental modularity, and the origins of art. Current Anthropology
37. 4 (August-Oct): 666 (5 pages). Abstract.
Bednarik, Robert G. (1998). The first stirrings of creation. UNESCO
Courier (April): 4 (6 pages). Full text.
Cheyne, J. A. (1998). Signs of Consciousness: Speculations on the Psychology
of Paleolithic Graphics. Full
text (external).
Clottes, Jean and and David Lewis-Williams (1998). The shamans of
prehistory: trance and magic in the painted caves. New York, NY:
Harry N. Abrams. Review. See also overview article by Clottes.
Conkey, Margaret, Olga Soffer, and Deborah Stratmann (eds) (1997).
Beyond Art: Pleistocene Image and Symbol. San Francisco, CA:
California Academy of Sciences: Distributed by University of California
Press. See sample
pages (external).
Guthrie, R. Dale (2004). The Nature of Paleolithic Art. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. Review.
Halverson, John (1992). Paleolithic art and cognition. Journal of
Psychology 126. 3 (May): 221 (16 pages). Abstract.
Jones, Jonathan (2002). 30,000 years of modern art. BBC Online.
Full text.
Lewis-Williams, J.D. and T.A. Dowson, T.A. (1998). The signs of all times:
entoptic phenomena in Upper Palaeolithic art. Current Anthropology
29. 2 (April): 201 (17 pages).
Bahn, Paul G.; Bandi, H.G.; Bednarik, Robert G.; Clegg, John; and
others (1988). Comments. Current Anthropology 29. 2 (April):
217 (16 pages).
Lewis-Williams, J.D.; Dowson, T.A. (1998) Reply. Current Anthropology
29. 2 (April): 232 (14 pages).
Lewis-Williams, J.D. and Dowson, T.A. (1990). On Paleolithic art and the
neuropsychological model. Current Anthropology 31. 4 (August-Oct):
407 (2 pages).
Bednarik, Robert G. (1990). On neuropsychology and shamanism in rock
art. Current Anthropology 31. 1 (Feb): 77 (8 pages).
Lewis-Williams, David (2002). The Mind in the Cave: Consciousness and the Origins of Art. New York, NY: Thames and Hudson.
Abstract: What
prompted people to undertake hazardous journeys into the dark inner
reaches of caves to carve or paint animals and other features onto the
rock faces? David Lewis-Williams draws thoughts from the paintings
themselves, from anthropology and neurological science, to propose an
important link between the paintings and altered states of
consciousness. Assessing the effects of sensory deprivation, dreams and
hallucinations and the point at which, during human evolution, man was
able to discern and make sense of these, he examines the interaction
between mental activity and social context. Drawing on evidence from
San rock art of South Africa, the art of the early people of North
America and the Upper Palaeolithic art of western Europe, this study
looks at the origins of art and image-making. 320p, 94 illus (27 in
Verpoorte. Alexander (2001). Human figures in portable
art of the European Upper Palaeolithic Places of art, traces of fire: a
contextual approach to anthropomorphic figurines in the Pavlovian
(Central Europe, 29-24 kyr BP). ASLU 8, Leiden University Faculty of Archaeology.
Anthropomorphic figurines are one of the most discussed instances of
Palaeolithic Art. This study provides an overview of such objects in
the Pavlovian, an Upper Palaeolithic archaeological culture in Central
Europe. The author describes the sites, their chronology and
interpretations. The objects, belonging to the oldest "ceramic" objects
in the world, are analysed in terms of raw material, technology, form
and spatial distribution. In the second part, the author discusses
three themes in the interpretative history: the question of
representation and realism, the relationship between anthropomorphic
and zoomorphic figurines, and the issue of the purport of the find
location itself. 141p, 103 figs, 21 tabs.
Rock art acoustics
Dauvois, Michel and Xavier Boutillon (1990). Études acoustiques
au Reseau Clastres: Salle des Peintures et lithophones naturels. Préhistoire
ariègeoise 45: 175-186. ill.
Reznikoff, Iegor and Michel Dauvois (1988). Dimension sonore des grottes
Paris: Bulletin, Societé Préhistorique Française
85. 8: 238-246.
Reviewed by Chris Scarre (1989). Painting by Resonance. Nature,
vol 338, 382. Full text.
Waller, Steven J. (1993). Sound and rock art. Nature 363. 6429
(June 10): 501. Abstract.
Related review by Leigh Dayton (1992). Rock art evokes beastly echoes
of the past. New Scientist, 28 November. page 14. Abstract.
Steven J.
Waller's Home Page. Extensive resources on rock art acoustics.
Theoretical frameworks
Calvin, William H. (1990). The Ascent of Mind: Ice Age Climates
and the Evolution of Intelligence. New York, NY: Bantam. Selections
(external, with further references).
Merlin (1991). Origins of the Modern Mind. Three stages in the
evolution of culture and cognition. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press. Abstract.
Fauconnier, Gilles and Mark Turner (2002). The Way We Think: Conceptual
Blending and the Mind's Hidden Complexities. New York, NY: Basic
Books. Forthcoming. Publisher's
presentation (external).
Leroi-Gourhan, A. 1971. Prehistoire de l'art accidental. Paris:
Mithen, Steven
(1997). The Prehistory of the Mind: The Cognitive Origins of Art,
Religion and Science. Reviewed
by Howard Gardner. Interview
by Anjana Ahuja.
General bibliography
Bahn, Paul G. (1998). The Cambridge illustrated history of prehistoric
art. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Bahn, Paul G. and Angelo Fossati (2003). Rock Art Studies: News of the World II. Developments in Rock Art Research 1995-1999. Oxbow Books.
Publisher's abstract:
This collection, the second in a planned series of five-yearly volumes,
is devoted to providing a wide-ranging survey of new developments in
rock art studies from all over the world. The variety of topics
reported on in this volume reflect an expansion and diversification of
perspectives and research questions during the period covered, 1995 to
1999; these topics include the problems of dating rock art, pigment
analysis, interpretative issues, the recording and preservation of
sites, eco-tourism, management, and indigenous issues. Several major
events are reported in the volume, the most remarkable being the saving
of Portugal's Coa Valley rock art from destruction by a dam, the
creation of an archaeological park around it, and its entry into the
Unesco World Heritage List, all in rapid succession. 288p, 178 b/w
figs, 3 tbs.
Bednarik, Robert G. (1992). Palaeolithic art found in China. (13,000-year-old
decorated antler fragment from Longgu Cave near Xinglong, Hebei Province).
Nature 356. 6365 (March 12): 116.
Clotte, Jean (2002). World Rock Art. Los Angeles, CA: J. Paul Getty Trust.
Publisher's abstract:
World Rock Art is a colourful introduction to the rock art of the
Americas, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia, presenting superb colour
photographs of many of the most important sites. Throughout the book
Jean Clottes addresses the issues of the discovery and recording of
sites, dating, the meaning of the art, its significance to modern
society and what steps are being taken to preserve sites across the
world. A good authoritative study. 140p, many col pls.
Deregowski, J.B. (1996). A man is a difficult beast to draw: the neglected
determinant in rock art. NEWS'96, Swakopmund, Namibia. Full
text (pdf).
Duhard, Jean-Pierre (1993). Upper Palaeolithic figures as a reflection
of human morphology and social organization. Antiquity 67. 254
(March): 83 (9 pages). Full text.
Garlake, Peter S. (1995). The Hunter's vision: the prehistoric art
of Zimbabwe. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press.
Hauser, Arnold (1962). The Social History of Art. Vol. I: From Prehistoric Times to the Middle Ages. Ch. 1: Prehistoric times. Old stone age: Magic and naturalism. Full text (pp. 1-8).
Imber, Claire (2000). Ape-man: Origin of sophistication. BBC News report,
22 February. Full
text (external).
Neumayer, Erwin. Lines on stone: the prehistoric rock art of India.
New Delhi: Manohar, 1993.
Michaelsen, Per, Tasja W. Ebersole, Noel W. Smith and Paul Biro (2000).
Australian Ice Age rock art may depict earth's oldest recordings of
shamanistic rituals. Mankind Quarterly XLI. 2 (Winter).
Solomon, Anne (1996). Rock art in Southern Africa. Scientific American
275. 5 (Nov, 1996):106 (8 pages). Abstract.
Further resources
Google's directory lists major resources in paleolithic
art and in the
archaeology of the paleolithic.
Art. A compilation of links by Chris Whitcombe, Professor of Art,
Sweet Briar College, VA.
